Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 101700.mp3
10/17/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5709) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 10/17/2000:
1 - 101700.mp3
Tues Oct 17, 2000: TL's G-CGRW
A prank on the lawyers: claiming Buzz knocked up a listener
The problems with WNEW scheduling
New York radio fan website
Don gets his table script for KoQ
Frank Ahrens article
Phoner to Regis (Mike) about Millionaire
Phoner with Leah Remini about Don's KoQ part

6/14/2012 18:20:53 - by D&M Fan
The first hour of this show is, to quote Arthur, "The
funniest thing EV-A!" as the guys and a caller named Chris
attempt to pull a practical joke on hard-working talent
agent Donald Ephraim (sp?). I remember hearing this bit live
and having to sit in a parking lot with the engine running
and the radio on so I would not miss the payoff. Classic,
and "one for the time capsule!" The reading of the Frank A-
herns article is pretty good, too, and D&M scholars will
detect the early origins of the Craig Wilson column bit.
Great episode and definitely one that shows the true genius
of this show. I really miss these guys together!

12/22/2019 00:44:31 - by Patrick
Allen sniffen is a actual dentist. The
website is still up.

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