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9/29/2000 - Segment 1 | views (9502) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 092900.mp3
Fri Sept 29, 2000: Who's Jew
The wacky callers start up again
Fan writes D&M, wants hotel fair for a vacation in DC
Which jews are still in the building for Rosh Hasana?
LBJ (Jay Leno)
Caller wants sex advice
Pick the Pros with John Madden

5/29/2012 19:16:02 - by D&M Fan
Friday fun, but out of order to accommodate NFL legend John
Madden, who never fails to entertain. Don and Freyda have
disagreed about how to prevent little Max from peeing and
pooping in the house (I'm happy to say that Col. Klink is
fully housebroken); Mike's inner thighs are abraded thanks
to his recent procedure (removing skin tags from his
crotch); the tedious callers continue from Thursday's show.
I will say that the AF Reservist who wanted the free hotel
room was a good sport. And it's always a treat to hear from
Homo Joe. Eventually the show gets back on track with an
hysterical game of LBJ (hysterical because Mike's Jay Leno
is so incredibly needy -- and loathsome). Question for
Redskins fans: Is it just me, or are they still using the
intro music that Don selected in 2000 for the Redskins pre-
game show 12 years later?

2/14/2022 23:03:01 - by Carrie A
Pretty great show of Mike’s talents in the news segment.

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