Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 092700.mp3
9/27/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5359) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 9/27/2000:
1 - 092700.mp3
Wed Sept 27, 2000: Burn It Off
King of Queens hires Lou Ferigno
A local station does the Clear Channel scam about the national contest
Argument with a douche-bagette over her prize winnings
Mike gets skin tags burned off near his ball sack
Charlie Stossel
Phoner with Leah Remini
Wacky Story File (will trade massages for olympic medals)

5/27/2012 14:11:36 - by D&M Fan
TIME MASHEEEN! The guys call Sydney to talk to Tom who has
offered to trade a "massage" for an Olympic medal. This is
why this show was so incredible -- the guys fill 5 minutes
of dead air with an absolutely hysterical stream of
consciousness dialogue. That 5 minutes make up for the
phoner with the annoying Lisa Remini and her desperate
attempts to conceal the death rattle of King of Queens'
third season. I sometimes wonder what she is up to these
days...then I find something more interesting to wonder trained attack monkeys. Or whethere Robb-aye's
big giant head really does indicate superior intelligence.

8/25/2013 04:59:35 - by Steve
Agreed, D&M fan....thinking of what my first root canal would be like is more pleasant than thinking of Leah Remini. Good thing I am able to fast forward her time on the phone with them!

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