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9/26/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5356) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 092600.mp3
Tues Sept 26, 2000: Mike's Anal Experience
DMV hell
Working Mike about Candace Bushnell
Phoner with Fox NFL's James Brown
Mike's prom date Candace Bushnell in-studio
Don's email telling Simon to go scratch
A scary (I'm not kidding you this time kids) psycho mail for Charlie Stossel

6/30/2011 17:12:40 - by issues
Mike reunites with his prom date, the lovely Candice Bushnell, whom he
did not score with

5/25/2012 19:56:49 - by D&M Fan
Fun show today, with an appearance by the effervescent
Candace Bushnell, author of "Sex and the City" and Mike's
Junior Prom date. I love that Don is able to fluster Mike so
effectively. Yes, some of this is shtick, but for those who
know Mike's "tells" it's pretty easy to spot the point where
the joke turns very real for the Glastonberry Golden Boy.
Fun call with JB - James Brown -- always a nice guy. Very,
very disturbing prison mail for Charlie Stossel; honestly, I
could have done without hearing that one. And finally, I
have to confess that one of the Buzzcast stories brought me
to tears - no, it was not the story about the possibility
that disposable diapers may cause your baby boy to be
infertile later in life. It was the one about the price of
oil...which was running around $32/barrel in September 2000.
Oh, the Good Old Days!

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