Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 092500.mp3
9/25/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5468) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 9/25/2000:
1 - 092500.mp3
Mon Sept 25, 2000: Dirty Jobs
Fantasy football controversy - Big Gum Jim may have to forfeit his wins
The Ken Stevens Show in the office before The Show
Another weekend with the Brits
Phoner with rassler Jerry Lawler
Can You Get to 10? (Jerry Lawler, Liz Smith, Dennis Rodman, Dan Fouts, Rudy)
Another phoner with Don's limey friend, and Show poison, Simon

5/25/2012 16:29:07 - by D&M Fan
I often find myself wondering where Ken Stevens is nowadays
-- running the CBSRadio empire or in a straight jacket in
some padded room...Lord knows, he was halfway to the asylum
back in 2000 when this show first broadcast. I know that
Don's Brit friend Simon is NOT enjoying a career in
broadcast radio these days, but I have to wonder if he and
Don are still speaking to each other. Loved the phone
interview with the wrestler dude who offered all the inside
stories on the greatest comic of the 1990s, Andy Kauffman.
Miss that guy...Best moment in today's Buzzcast IMHO occurs
when Don hears that the Sydney Olympics have just reached
the halfway point. He was already bored before the Opening
Ceremonies. USA! USA! USA!

9/25/2013 02:51:53 - by Patrick
very the middle... the start was a little bumpy,,,, but it picked up nicely!

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