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9/22/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5713) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 9/22/2000:
1 - 092200.mp3
Fri Sept 22, 2000: Say Hi to Little 40
List of slang terms for j/o
Fighting with a caller over the term "Affirmative Action"
Mr 40 in-studio
Watching j/o tape entries
Pick the Pros with ESPN's Mike Patrick
Mista 40 interviews Rudy Martzke
LBJ (Norv Turner)

5/24/2012 22:06:38 - by D&M Fan
Amazingly "Roughing up the Suspect", a term used by an old
boyfriend of mine, is not on the list of slang terms for self-
pleasuring that Don shares in the opening few minutes of
today's show. Why, you ask? Because today is ALL about J-
O'ing. J-O'ing on video, to be precise. Oh, and did I mention
that Mr. Forty is on hand (Ha!) to help judge the videos? And
to interview Rudy Martzke and "The Mouse" from the Sydney
Olympics? It's Mr. Forty at his finest. Sadly, Mr. Forty is
unable to stick around for the entire show. He has places to
go and things to drink...

1/22/2022 18:09:37 - by Carrie A
I always enjoy following up on famous people D&M discuss 20 yrs later. The
Dana Stubblefield discussion was timely, given he was just convicted of raping a
mentally disabled woman he lured to his house under the guise of interviewing
her for an nanny job. Stay classy, NFL.

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