Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 091100.mp3
9/11/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5806) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 091100.mp3
Mon Sept 11, 2000: The Elephant & Castle Show
D&M each list the worthless junk around their houses
Don has to get a car inspection from a stickler for details
Broyhill claims he's bored with the fantasy football league
Don is surprised to find he likes his Limey neighbors Gary and Sarah
Cockney rhyming slang
Good and bad NFL uniforms, helments*
Lay King's column
Pimping for Erin, caller whose boyfriend recently dumped her
*Pittsburg Steelers' diamonds are called hypocycloids

5/17/2012 08:55:02 - by D&M Fan
Listen, I'm a girl, but even I wouldn't buy some of the stuff
that our Radio Gods have inventoried around their houses. Fur
lampshades? Really, Mrs. O'Meara #2? At least #3 has more
taste...Great segment on Cockney slang and two thumbs up to
Buzz for the callback during the phone scan that follows that
segment. And am I the only one who laughs every time Don
refers to Redskin's owner Dan Snyder as "Shorty"?

10/14/2013 04:09:41 - by dirty petey
At about 1h 20m a female Joe Mama caller crushes Don and Mike..
Robb calls her a (double) whore!

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