Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 083100 BO.mp3
8/31/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5012) | comments (1) | add comment
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9/2/2012 15:45:53 - by D&M Fan
Included in this "Best of" show:
1 - Trolling for listeners to compete in an upcoming "Freak
Show", including some particularly oogie offers (Mike:
"That's why God gave me eyelids."
2 - Mike is training for his hockey game with the Capitals
alumni team.
3 - Attempted call to Paul Walton, who claimed to have
turned down FOX for "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire";
successful call to JJ McKay, GM at the Portland (OR)
affiliate to talk about her relationship with Rick Rockwell
4 - Dennis Murphy rats out Charlie Stossel's brother who is
not a fan of Don & Mike
5 - The D&M gang take the "Sex Quiz" for the first time and
callers guess their answers. We learn that Rob-baye is a
choirboy, Buzz is a perv, and Charles Loring Broyhill is an
6 - Don gets suckered into buying a bunch of expensive hair
thickening stuff
7 - Penis sizes of Hollywood actors -- who knew The Duke had
such a shortcoming?

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