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8/24/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5535) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 082400.mp3
Thurs Aug 24, 2000: Since the Reagan Administration
LVSS recap
My Two Dicks
Don wins the Survivor bet: everyone eats chocolate-covered bugs
Dennis is winging it out to Arizona to bone his FB
Trying to get Wendell a date/laid
Caller wants to propose to his fiancee on-air
Trying to call a Survivor loser
LBJ (Bryant Gumble)

5/12/2012 08:54:38 - by D&M Fan
The gang is heading out for a week's vacation and Don is in
NO MOOD for stupid callers. Mike is never in the right mood
to eat bugs; unfortunately for him, he picked Gervais to win
the 1st season of "Survivor", but that slug Richard Hatch
won instead. Sadly, Mike did not have the opportunity to
take out his disappointment and disgust on Susan Hawk (or
her mom) since neither were answering their phones. Wendell
Smoot Hall, engineer extraordinaire, is in the mood for
love, so D&M set him up with a gal who is willing to break
the big guy's...dry spell. But I am ALWAYS in the mood to
hear Don work a wrong number call! Oh, one last warning --
when you go to NYC, look out for falling debris from
crumbling buildings. You've been warned.

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