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8/21/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7581) | comments (8) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 8/21/2000:
1 - 082100.mp3
Mon Aug 21, 2000: Just Don't Lead 'Em So Much
Ann Hache is available
Political arguments
Fantasy football recap
Would the Russian sailors in the Kirsk explode?
"How Do You Shoot Women and Children?" scene was in FMJ, not Platoon
Do aereolae get bigger if your boobs get bigger?
Fights with two callers

6/21/2011 20:28:21 - by Issues
An episode with a caller that stuck with me since it first aired: idiot caller
escalated argument, insults Bart, & Don offers to meet up one on one to
kick callers ass. Vintage goodness to be sure.

8/30/2017 21:27:08 - by jdawg
I couldn't make it through this episode. The bickering with
the 2 callers was boring. It's okay when it lasts 10
minutes but this went on for over an hour. One of the few
episodes I ended up just skipping.

9/19/2017 15:26:55 - by issues
I remember this happening live. Wanted to punch both callers
through my speakers then and now.

12/18/2018 01:43:01 - by Mikeee
Yeah, that second caller absolutely bested don and Mike.
Especially Mike. You know you lost when you start focusing
on someone's grammar and mike did that non stop during the
argument while saying "you know" multiple times every
sentence. Talk about poor grammar and sentence structure.

Calling dons kid retarded was silly. Especially since he had
bested them up to that point. And then mike using the gun
comment (which absolutely wasn't a threat, but an example of
why they'd never meet a listener in person) to end the call
was embarrassing. What a damn pussy.

11/29/2021 10:48:32 - by Carrie A
Two gunslingers ride into town…

11/29/2021 10:54:05 - by Carrie A
The second guy argued like a 10-year-old. Shout out to Thompson
Financial! Am I the only one who googled them during this segment? Dying
to know where that pathetic douche is now. I suspect “Mikeee” knows…

12/9/2021 14:57:32 - by ragin cajun
***** WARNING ***** DO NOT LISTEN, DON AND MIKE the biggest
candy asses that ever graced the radio.....
Don "Come meet me at my Las Vegas Style Show, what a fucking
pussy....okay tough guy, D & M put a quarter in your ass
because you played yourselves, PATHETIC. Two loser callers
made Don and Mike look like the snowflakes that they really

3/1/2022 15:28:24 - by tamnosbig
By the way sumthin'...why ya care?

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