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8/18/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6242) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 081800.mp3
Fri Aug 18, 2000: Take It Off
Presidential candidate wives
Fight with a caller
Strip Trivia

10/25/2012 09:42:17 - by D&M Fan
The show begins with a discussion of the big Al and Tipper
Gore kiss the night before at the 2000 DNC, but my favorite
part of the opening segment is the point-counterpoint
discussion between temporary Republican Don and die-hard
Democrat Mike. As a caller wisely observed, Mike needs to
work on his partisan rhetoric. Next, Don's car troubles
continue, but what really aggravates him is a dumbass caller
who just wants to argue with Don and Mike. Sadly the
Potential Tedious Argument Alarm System (PTAAS)will not be
invented for another two months, but the Radio Gods prevail
in the end. The remainder of the show is Strip Triva, one of
the last times this game will be played with listeners (at
some point in the very near future and due to excessive no-
shows, Strip Trivia will be played by strippers). But that
is a story for another day...My only comment on today's
group of contestants: How annoying was Dixie???? Sadly, the
show cuts off with 5 contestants remaining, so we never find
out who won. Or maybe that is revealed in a future

8/30/2017 21:24:36 - by jdawg
The black guy who looked like one of the Klumps won. Andre
I think his name was.

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