Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 081500.mp3
8/15/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6476) | comments (3) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 8/15/2000:
1 - 081500.mp3
Tues Aug 15, 2000: You *Can* F the Face
Big Brother recap
Jive DJ ideas and advice
Tom Gavin solds programs at RFK stadium
Kathie Lee plastic surgery article
Phone scan
Local news people

5/8/2012 13:02:03 - by D&M Fan
Freyda's away, but Don won't call one of those 1-900 numbers.
Tom Gavin can't make change for two Redskins programs from a
$20 bill. Greaseman is making a comeback. It's tough to get
women to come to the studio for Strip Trivia, but men are
chomping at the bit to drop trou. But I hope they don't
volunteer for a "funky roll"! Not familiar with that term?
Check out the segment at around 2:20; it will FASCINATE you.

5/8/2012 13:34:39 - by D&M Fan
Oh and I forgot to mention that Robb is horribly disappointed
at around 2:55 when a woman guesses the Secret Sound.

7/24/2017 15:51:44 - by Tom in S.C,
This is the BEST website of all time!!!!!!! I've been going back in time
listening to these shows ( TIIIIIIME MAACHINE) 20 year old shows and
there are better than anything on the radio today! ( and yes I do have
Sirius) solid radio gold! I appreciate this website more than words can say!
BTW I HATED Leah from the very first time she was on the show

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