Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 071900.mp3
7/19/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6313) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 7/19/2000:
1 - 071900.mp3
Wed July 19, 2000: Kids Today
Bart is about to go to Spain
Don's daughter Amy went ahead and got married at City Hall
CBS/Infinity employee rules and guidelines
Dennis Murphy gets an angry letter from the 57-year-old woman he banged
Did CBS accidently tip-off who would be voted off tonight's Survivor?
Charlie Stossel
Girl caller wants to set up a foursome for husband's birthday

10/21/2012 11:55:31 - by D&M Fan
It's a fact: generally the D&M callers are pretty stupid.
But the guy who called in to suggest that, once Don and
Freyda become Empty Nesters, they should consider "taking in
an elderly Buzz" to compensate made me unhinge my jaw.

Dennis Murphy resurfaces...and quickly reminds us why we
don't miss him when he is not around.

Charlie Stossel reviews "The In Crowd", "Pokemon 2000" (with
an unprecedented "Zero Porcelain Dolls" rating), "Loser" and
"What Lies Beneath".

Quick quiz -- how many people can hum the theme to the TV
show "Angie"? How about "Charles in Charge"? Robb not only
knows them, but can play them within mere seconds of
mentioning the name Donna Pescow.

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