Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 071700.mp3
7/17/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7187) | comments (2) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 7/17/2000:
1 - 071700.mp3
Mon July 17, 2000: We Paid $200 For That?
NYC ratings suck
The flight home from New York
Bart will be going to Spain over the summer
Big Brother recap
American Hitlers
More TV recaps
Earthdog brother Jim takes the sex quiz
Phoner with sexpert Dr. Natasha Terry
Uncle Joe (Mike) on the death of Meredith McRae from Pettycoat Junction

8/27/2012 14:16:27 - by D&M Fan
Funny show. D&M are on the defensive, since the WNEW ratings
are taking a while to build, so they really bring their A
game to today's show. I loved the segment on the American
Hitlers and their calls to people in Long Island named
"Hiller" to try to interview surviving members of Der
Fuehrer's family. Two great sex quiz subjects -- James
Phillip Source and Dr. Natasha Terry. Guess which one has
"had sex in the no-no spot" - the answer will surprise you.
Plus, I could be wrong, but I think this is the first
episode that references the Howard Stern scandal where HS
was outed for paying actors to call into the show and
pretend to be weirdos (a guy who kills cats for fun, for

12/12/2019 17:29:13 - by Patrick
Lady scolding don for being lazy in the
sack.....she was trying to help him she
knew the future

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