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7/14/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8001) | comments (15) | add comment
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1 - 071400.mp3
Fri July 14, 2000: Number 16
Boy's night out
WNEW edits out mentions of Stern and Imus
Callers complain about KHTK, ball-busting
Phoner with Bob Gunton from Shawshank Redemption
Big Brother recap
Phoner with bullet-head Howie Long
Nadine takes the Slut Test
O&A urge callers to congratulate D&M on the ratings
LBJ (Floyd the barber)
Phoner with O&A about ratings

3/31/2011 15:15:51 - by Ed OG
LBJ is Floyd the Barber

3/25/2022 14:00:22 - by ragin cajun
Great call about KHTK, the caller is spot-on, D & M spineless
as usual, the best part is after the call Don lies about
leaving a job in 1975 on a Sunday playing the record "already
gone" because he has so called "BALLS", yet we know he tells
the same story later only his DJ buddy Super Shan or whoever
had told he earlier that he would be fired on the Monday, so
really he was a PUSSY just playing the wannbe tough guy DJ
routine, PATHETIC once again.

3/29/2022 11:52:54 - by Larry
By the way somethin…. Whaddaya care?

3/30/2022 09:28:04 - by ragin cajun
well Larry the same can be asked of you, you are the dumbass
who felt he needed to comment about a comment.....JACKASS

4/1/2022 23:25:50 - by Vasquez
Do you want to point out the irony, or should I?

4/4/2022 13:02:53 - by ragin cajun
hey Vasquez how about heading back to Mexico and shutting the
fuck up, how is that for IRONY wetback dipshit fucking beans
and rice eating motherfucker.

4/14/2022 17:35:13 - by Patrick
I was mentioned on the Don Geronimo show on 4 13 and 4 14,
because of some stalking I did about a story don mentioned,
I sent him a email From my Marty bass Gmail account.. the
radio god acknowledged me. Big 100

4/14/2022 17:35:48 - by Patrick
I was mentioned on the Don Geronimo show on 4 13 and 4 14,
because of some stalking I did about a story don mentioned,
I sent him a email From my Marty bass Gmail account.. the
radio god acknowledged me. Big 100

4/14/2022 17:36:25 - by Patrick
I was mentioned on the Don Geronimo show on 4 13 and 4 14,
because of some stalking I did about a story don mentioned,
I sent him a email From my Marty bass Gmail account.. the
radio god acknowledged me. Big 100

4/25/2022 14:32:03 - by Pete Syverson
Patrick, your mother has the odor

4/26/2022 20:53:32 - by Pete
I heard your mother sews socks in hell

5/1/2022 13:01:16 - by Chickenfoot14
Ragin should chill out, it’s just an old radio show, great but old. Calm down


5/3/2022 15:27:08 - by ragin cajun
hey pussyfoot you can FUCK OFF as well, stick to adding such
comment gems as "Joe rocks" or "Don and Mike Rocks" you
complete and total fucking muppet. Don, Mike and even Rob's
little bitch ass were fucking jerkoffs to everybody, so I'll
say WHAT I PLEASE, and you can go back to sucking your
mother's DICK.

5/4/2022 12:19:46 - by Chickenfoot14
I love you Ragin, you’re amazing….

8/17/2022 05:05:29 - by re: ragin cajun

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