Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 071200.mp3
7/12/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7033) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 071200.mp3
Wed July 12, 2000: We Quit
Dickweed 1140 KHTK complains that the show is running long*
Bart says he was hit-on by an older woman
Charlie Stossel
Freda chats with the former Mrs. Sorce
Libertarian whack-job for President Harry Brown
Phoner with Leah Remini
D&M call KHTK and "quit"
* I listened to KHTK for years when I lived in the area. They suck salty chocolate donkey balls

3/2/2011 13:25:55 - by Guhloonus
On today's show:

*Sacramento station complains about commercial breaks; Don defends the format and the boys make plans on how to protest

*D&M call KHTK

*Secret sound #6 is revealed

*Don calls Bart's 30 year old suiter

*Charlie Stossel shows up. Jail Mail!

*Freda calls Don's ex-wife

*Kooky presidential candidate phoner

*Leah phoner

*Al Nipple & Victor Anus unsuccessfully attempt to make a few calls

*News & Comment

*Grant Napier talks some shit, Don & Mike quit KHTK

3/25/2022 11:37:16 - by ragin cajun
WOW........Don and Mike are super sensitive, they dog out
callers, other DJs and anybody in the news, yet somebody says
they are fat and that Don smoked dope and they lose their
collective shit, D & M the original snowflakes.

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