Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 062000.mp3
6/20/2000 - Segment 1 | views (6959) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 6/20/2000:
1 - 062000.mp3
Tues June 20, 2000: Still Dead
Laker championship riot recap
Teasing Mike's birthday
Aherns responds to the soap opera
Phoner with the almost reinvented Dennis Murphy
Phone scan
Listener angrily rebuts Superman sex theories
As the World Aherns
D&M are offered speaking roles and a relationship with sitcom YES DEAR
The local news anchors are barnyard animals
Celebrity Coroner game
Hotline to Heaven (Olivia Soprano)

9/9/2012 09:56:32 - by D&M Fan
OMG! Nerds and their comic books. The guy who wrote Don the
angry letter "correcting" the humorous discussion on
Superman's sex habits from the prior week -- I have to
wonder whether that dude has EVER had sex with a partner. As
is often the case with the Don and Mike Show, sex is a major
theme of today's episode: in addition to the Superman guy,
there is an in-depth discussion on the sex appeal of local
news anchors (both male and female), the final edition of
"As the World Aherns" about the Washington Post radio
columnist and his sex change operation, and a phoner with
the always sexy dead Olivia Soprano. "Poor YOU!" Of course,
all this sexiness is effectively cock-blocked when Dennis
Murphy calls into the show in advance of his in-studio
appearance scheduled for the next day. I predict that his
"reinvention" will be a big disappointment. "I'm sorry."

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