Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 051700.mp3
5/17/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7302) | comments (1) | add comment
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Other podcasts from 5/17/2000:
1 - 051700.mp3
Wed May 17, 2000: And Where Are Those Pictures I Was Supposed to See?
Hashing out the terms of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire bet
Why WJFK sucks (weekend programming)
Why Westwood 1 sucks (no advertising)
BH 90210 show props auction
Charlie Stossel vs. Madonna (the saleswoman)
DG would like to VAF BP
Pimping for Dennis Murphy, Prom Date

11/3/2012 20:22:02 - by D&M Fan
Alternative title for today's segment: "Well, Eff You!" It
sums up Don and Mike's attitude toward their home station
and Westwood One...and the deluded caller who accuses D&M of
ruining his friend's marriage. It's also Charlie Stossel's
attitude toward sales lady Madonna who feels CS is incapable
of reading copy for her accounts. Another great adversary
for the beleaguered Mr. Stossel. But he shakes it off and is
able to review "Dinosaur" and "Road Trip", and get a raft of
crap from Mike when Charlie admits that he liked "Runaway
Bride." For the record, I'm with Mike on that one. With all
this talk about "f-ing", it's natural that the discussion
should turn to ass-effing various boy band members. Buzz's
addition to the game made me fall out of my chair. I also
loved the Major Bill Smith reference toward the end of the
show. I miss that old kook!

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