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3/2/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8181) | comments (9) | add comment
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1 - 030200.mp3
Thurs Mar 2, 2000: Don't Smell That Finger
F-You to the nay-sayers in New York
Mike gets a polyp bitten off in his colon
Happy Days special recap, and a phone call to Al Molinaro
Phone scan
Earthdog Brother Jim calls in with a Sam & Fran update

11/23/2011 17:08:31 - by D&M Fan
Mike announces that he has realized two life ambitions: the show is #1 in Wichita, and the gang is heading to Wichita to spend St. Patrick's Day in the middle of Kansas. Don asks listeners not to pay any attention to the naysayers,that the show -- now heard in NYC -- "is like heroin and we will hook you." Mike gives an recap of his colonoscopy the day before; anyone want to buy a souvenir anal pollop? Next, the guys launch a full-scale investigation into Erin Moran's claims that Henry Winkler molested her on the set of "Happy Days." This leads to a quick call to Al Molinaro to dispute or collaborate those claims. Caller Mike from Reston correctly guesses the Secret Celebrity Laugh and wins $2,000 (and avoids having his head shaved). James Phillip Source calls in to relate the latest chapter in the true-life story of Jim and Don's weirdo parents. It's a miracle that those two boys turned out semi-normal.

11/1/2015 01:43:20 - by ByTheRoots!
R.I.P. Al Molinaro , one of the nicest guys to be on Don An Mike... always friendly whenever they called him...

3/21/2019 19:46:06 - by AnotherD&MFan
Clue #2 given out on secret celebrity laugh #4, then one caller guesses
correctly. The Dr. Stein segment where he promoted anal sex was cut out
of the recording in its entirety. This was the year 2000 and even then Buzz
has in his news a female reporting to the police a Bill Cosby sexual

6/30/2021 02:15:32 - by Carrie A
Janet at 1:30:00? And Buzz reports on Cosby sexual assault charges. No
surprise that Don is skeptical.

8/23/2021 00:41:50 - by Alex
I will allways keep hoping that Don and Mike will get
together again... =)

8/23/2021 00:42:14 - by Alex
I will allways keep hoping that Don and Mike will get
together again... =)

8/23/2021 00:43:08 - by Alex
I will allways keep hoping that Don and Mike will get
together again... =)

8/23/2021 00:43:30 - by Alex
I will allways keep hoping that Don and Mike will get
together again... =)

8/23/2021 00:44:00 - by Alex
I will allways keep hoping that Don and Mike will get
together again... =)

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