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1/26/2000 - Segment 1 | views (7652) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 012600.mp3
Wed Jan 26, 2000: Cruel & Unusual
The Fire Marshall clears the parking garage
All about the snow, including a call from TV's Topper Shutt
Mike Rockhead gets taped to a tree as punishment for his snow day
Rockhead resigns
News scan
Phoner with Colin Payne
Article on D&M, featuring Dennis Murphy
Mike cuts a new fart

7/17/2011 11:04:21 - by D&M Fan
Today's show is all about the long arm of the law and respecting authority. The Fairfax County Fire Marshall is on the premises in response to a complaint about the sprinkler system in parking garage. Don is annoyed because he has to park his car in the church lot next door. Next, we have blizzard stories and critiques of local weather coverage of the show the day before. Then, in a classic D&M moment, the guys send soon-to-be ex-phone screener Mike Rockhead out into the cold to be duct taped to a tree in punishment for not coming in the day before. The bit comes to a premature end when several of Fairfax City's finest show up in response to complaints from neighbors. This becomes part of a larger discussion about who will replace Mike Rockhead -- of course DENNIS has to call in to recommend himself for the job, but really he's calling in to plug his shirts, CD and upcoming appearances. What a tool. Next, there's a long segment on "Who is gay in Hollywood?" as the guys examine a tabloid piece on gay celebrities. Shocker, Jack Cassidy is on the list. Not that there is anything wrong with it...Calls to the medical information line provide their customary entertainment. Kudos to listener Phil who squeaked out a win over Don and Mike with his paring of tonsillitis/potty accidents versus D&M's intestinal gas/sex in the later years.

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