Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 012400.mp3
1/24/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8122) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 012400.mp3
Mon Jan 24, 2000: They Had Some Work Done
Mike loses a football bet, takes a pie in the face
Shopping at the Men's Warehouse
Mike has too much day on Saturday night
Broyhill's personality
Personality tests
-Celebrity Matchmaker for Men testt
-What Dog are You?
-Your Emotional Age
The triumphant return of saleswoman Debra Dean
News scan
Kate from the Hairy-Ass contest comes in for a birthday spanking (not recorded)

11/13/2011 08:33:05 - by D&M Fan
The show opens with a pay-off: Mike takes a pie in the face for betting Don that the Jacksonville Jaguars would beat the Tennessee Titans to go to the Super Bowl. Next, Don's weekend stories feature shopping stories, including Freyda's purchase of a first-gen webcam and Don's lightening speed run through Men's Warehouse. Other episode highlights: the guys take the Celebrity Love Match and What Kind of Dog Are You? tests, Pat Summerall needs to retire, and Buzz is prepared for snow.

8/31/2016 10:13:41 - by Don and Mike my Brothers
ya know its going to be a great show, when the first line of the description makes you crack up..
love it

3/6/2019 19:57:03 - by DebbieDowner
Unfortunately the segment with the female listener that came into the studio
to be spanked for her birthday by D&M and Buzz was censored out by the
person (must be the Church Lady) who recorded the episode and donated
it to this website. I am thankful these recordings exist at all.

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