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1/21/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8131) | comments (1) | add comment
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1 - 012100.mp3
Fri Jan 21, 2000: My O My
I'm Jack Cassidy, and I'm bi-sexual is being run into the ground
A little Tim McWilliams karaoke, there
Robbay and Homo Joe tour New York
Charlie Stossel
Rudy Martzke
LBJ (David Letterman)

11/25/2011 11:43:07 - by D&M Fan
Friday show: First, Don opens the phones for a vote on the Jack Cassidy bit (it wins in a landslide) and provides an update on the bit paintball match against the Sales staff. General Tim McWilliams, the fearless leader of the Sales paintball team, drops by the studio for trash talk and to sing for D&M Nation. He's actually not bad. Next, Robb plays the tapes of his romantic trip to NYC with Homo Joe; yeah, Robb's not gay. Movieman Charlie Stossel is in studio with his reviews of "Down to You", "Play it to the Bone", and "Angela's Ashes", and to set the record straight about his failed attempt to score a goal in a contest during a Washington Capitals game. Finally, Rudy Martzke calls in to talk football and the backlash from one of his columns in which he criticized broadcasting legend Pat Summerall. Sounds like they agreed to disagree...Unfortunately, the recording cuts off at around 1:42, so we don't hear this week's LBJ set up or game with special guest Dave Letterman.

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