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1/12/2000 - Segment 1 | views (8282) | comments (2) | add comment
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1 - 011200.mp3
Wed Jan 12, 2000: She Has Cleats on Her Chest
Behind the scenes with Mike's soda
Story time
Don doesn't have the flu
Portland girl-GM J. J. McKay sends news, more liners
Some guy prints up flyers exposing his ex-girlfriend
Earthdog Brother Jim serves his parents with a restraining order
Pimping for the nude field goal kicking contest

11/25/2011 15:42:52 - by D&M Fan
Today we are writing a story about Buzz, word by word: "When Buzz was a little boy..." The listener who recites the story, word for word, wins a trip to Tampa for a playoff game on the Redskin's Air Assault. In addition to the Buzz story, Don and Mike set up a contest for the next day, where naked women will kick a football through the raised arms of Redskins alum Darryl Grant to win an all-expenses weekend trip to Tampa for the game. My favorite part of this bit is that Darryl's wife called into the show to recommend the guys invite him. THAT's a gal who gets the show! We also hear about a very pissed husband who printed up a bunch of flyers detailing his wife's infidelity and papered every car in the parking lot at the wife's workplace. You have to wonder what that stunt will cost him in divorce court...James Phillip Source calls in with a great story about Mom Source and the officer who tried to serve her with a restraining order to keep the Source parents away from Jimmy and his family. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's a miracle these boys turned out semi-normal. Sadly, the recording cuts off about two hours in and before we can hear the full Buzz story. I'm sure it was MONEY!

5/1/2012 22:23:16 - by Autopov
It's Sorce, not Source. Listen harder!

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