Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1993 Podcasts > 122293-5 Wonderfull Life.mp3
12/22/1993 - Segment 5 | views (5181) | comments (1) | add comment
122293-5 Wonderfull Life.mp3
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1 - 122293-1 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(3)
2 - 122293-2 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
3 - 122293-3 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
4 - 122293-4 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
5 - 122293-5 Wonderfull Life.mp3
6 - 122293-6 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(0)

12/24/2012 10:54:39 - by D&M Fan
Segment 5 (a.k.a., "The big finish" or "Robb's masterpiece has
been gutted") introduces Clarence, who shows George what
Bedford Falls would have become if George had never been born
(and kudos to me for using the subjunctive tense in that
sentence!).But in the interest of time, the D&M Players have
to skip past all that stuff...and get right to George's return
home to his loving family. Highlight of this segment in my
opinion is hearing a very young Bart as "Zu-Zu". Buzz sums up
the 1:49-minute production in one word: "Wow."

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