Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1993 Podcasts > 122293-4 Wonderfull Life.mp3
12/22/1993 - Segment 4 | views (5415) | comments (1) | add comment
122293-4 Wonderfull Life.mp3
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1 - 122293-1 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(3)
2 - 122293-2 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
3 - 122293-3 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
4 - 122293-4 Wonderfull Life.mp3
5 - 122293-5 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
6 - 122293-6 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(0)

12/24/2012 10:31:57 - by D&M Fan
Segment 4, where Don makes selective edits on the fly. I
swear I can hear Robb's head explode in the
background...Highlights of this segment include the wedding
day run on the Building and Loan, Mr. Potter's offer to buy
the Building and Loan and hire George (with some excellent
ad libs from Mike), Uncle Billy confronting Mr. Potter with
the news of Harry's heroism and losing the deposit money,
and the big confrontation scene between George and Uncle
Billy when they are unable to find the missing $6,000.

A note for D&M historians: This show pre-dates Billy Reid's
decision to legally change his name to Charlie Broyhill
(a.k.a. "The Plaintiff").

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