Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 1993 Podcasts > 122293-1 Wonderfull Life.mp3
12/22/1993 - Segment 1 | views (6894) | comments (3) | add comment
122293-1 Wonderfull Life.mp3
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Other podcasts from 12/22/1993:
1 - 122293-1 Wonderfull Life.mp3
2 - 122293-2 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
3 - 122293-3 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
4 - 122293-4 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
5 - 122293-5 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(1)
6 - 122293-6 Wonderfull Life.mp3 Comments(0)

1/16/2011 00:06:27 - by Farfalotus of the Blowhole
I'm horny!

12/24/2012 10:01:50 - by D&M Fan
I may be wrong, but I think this is the first time that the
D&M crew presented "It's a Wonderful Life", as adapted by Herr
Spewak. Segment 1 breaks after the scene with George and his
dad before George goes t.o Harry's high school graduation
dance. Highlight of the episode for me: Mike as Mr. Potter
declaring, "I'm horny!"

1/14/2014 21:44:40 - by kevinbama
This was my introduction to D&M... Me and my late father were driving home from Natchez, Ms. to Mobile, Al. One of the VERY few times I ever heard him laugh out loud and smile. Thanks so much for posting this, it brings back a ton of memories.

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