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10/2/1991 - Segment 4 | views (8282) | comments (5) | add comment
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4 - 100291-4.mp3

1/9/2012 10:57:52 - by D&M Fan
This segment opens with a rousing game of Low Budget Jepoardy
with guest announcer Arnold Schwarzenegger (and at the risk of
re-igniting an old debate, Mike early Arnold DID sound like Jesse
Jackson). Enjoyed the mention of the Don and Mike newsletter - I
probably still have a copy somewhere - and the reference to Mark
and Lowell, the "Menendez Brothers". Sadly, the final phone scan
of the day is ruined when Dennis Murphy calls in. And so the
second show of the WJFK era limps to a close to the soundtrack of
Ringo Starr. Oh my, oh my!

4/22/2014 20:55:44 - by Marc Ronick
Any way you can tell me where the Menendez Brothers reference would be? :)

4/22/2014 21:07:22 - by Marc Ronick
Nevermind, I found it!

5/16/2014 22:42:30 - by Menendez?
So where is it????

7/28/2020 00:27:31 - by Carrie A
Its amazing how much better Mike’s impressions got in later years! And I
Maurice Butkiss - glad that character was retired.

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