Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2005 Podcasts > 08-08-05
8/8/2005 - Segment 1 | views (21622) | comments (17) | add comment
Download this file: 08-08-05
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Other podcasts from 8/8/2005:
1 - 08-08-05
Mon Aug 8, 2005: Let's Get Retarded
Don cries when Tony Stewart wins the Nascar
Don loves Madden 2006, but still can't get it up
Phoner with a real Daisy Duke
Asshats talk about Freda on the internet
Tom Brokaw (Mike) talks about Peter Jennings
News scan
Can You Get to 10?

1/27/2009 16:20:20 - by wick
vintage don and mike. great listener participation.

3/12/2009 09:56:43 - by blandcorporatio
Can You Get to 10?

4/17/2009 00:10:57 - by Rob from Washington State
"Please enjoy a popcorn bucket"

I love Don!

I forgot that the older shows used the AOL notification sound. I like the later episodes with the 24 phone ring sound bite when people call in.

7/17/2009 14:26:10 - by Roy
Does anyone know how I can copy these files to me ipod?

10/5/2009 09:20:47 - by Wes
Thank God I found this website...I was a Don & Mike Show listener from 1992 to when the show sadly ended in 2008...Greaseman in the morning, D & M in the afternoon, life couldn't have been greater...

10/6/2009 12:02:45 - by Dan
This site is awesome, I lived in Seattle for 3 years and LOVED the Don and Mike show, listening every day. When I moved back to MN I missed it terribly, then I searched it out after a couple years and found webcasts days before the show ended. I hadn't even heard about Frida.

10/10/2009 20:10:27 - by spiderzero
don and mike were on for about a year in duluth on kxtp. then they took em off and i had withdrawals. been hooked ever since. thank you jesus pyob.

10/12/2009 16:52:52 - by Gino
God I miss this show. One of the reasons I love radio so much. I'm looking for the 8/01/05 show, where Mike did his tribute to Freda. I had to pull over cause my tears were affecting my driving. He played a song at the end of the show that he declared him and fredas song. I cried so much. Anyone remember the song?

10/22/2009 12:52:23 - by grizzlyadoms
Ya, it was dont worry baby by the beach boys. The D&M show was the best, after a rough day to be driving listening to them was great. Thanks mcfadone for putting this website up. Radio Gods For Life!

11/23/2009 05:16:45 - by Big D&M fan
Thanks, Mcfadone. Major props for the all the old memories!

11/23/2009 09:05:34 - by mcfadone
my pleasure! glad you like the site! thanks and come again :)

9/19/2010 14:48:18 - by greg
How do you get to the rest of the show?

9/21/2010 18:25:32 - by Jon
Do the mp3s play on iPad?

5/16/2011 03:54:15 - by Augustine
Hey Mcfadone, it is my personal goal to try and listen to every
segment and add a brief description, just brief, of the details about it.
Can you encourage more fans of this AMAZING website to do the

Forever in your debt for this website...

5/16/2011 03:54:46 - by Augustine
Hey Mcfadone, it is my personal goal to try and listen to every
segment and add a brief description, just brief, of the details about it.
Can you encourage more fans of this AMAZING website to do the

Forever in your debt for this website...

11/28/2012 11:44:48 - by Swamphippie
I become totally addicted around 1990 listening on a little AM broadcast out of mobile alabama. Since I found PYOB I just take the show, in order, everywhere I go. I had sirius but don;t listen as there is nothing better than the Radio Gods. Thanks to mcfadone for all this incredible work, these were the best days of my life, it's nice to have these shows back in it.

Retrospecively pleased,


11/28/2012 12:58:40 - by mcfadone
Thanks Swamphippie. I remember a Scooter from Alabama that use to call in all the time.


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