Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2006 Podcasts > 20060613 Don at the NASCAR Race
6/13/2006 - Segment 1 | views (4206) | comments (1) | add comment
20060613 Don at the NASCAR Race
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1 - 20060613 Don at the NASCAR Race
1 - 061306.MP3 Comments(1)
Tues June 13, 2006: Park It
A storm while Don was gone knocks down trees, makes Klink sick, fouls his swimming pool
Don's festive Mike O'Meara-style weekend at the NASCAR, includes
- neck's hunting knife collection
- Philadelphia neck is angry aboutt the weather, apparel costs
- drunk Yahtzee
- the Lucy & Desi Airstream traileer
- claimed Adrian was sick to her bboss and had to leave--didn't tell Adrian
Ben Rothlisberger motorcycle wreck recap
Phoner with some trekkie who replicated his house to look like ST:TNG
William Devane (Mike) carps about 24 being on hiatus

3/17/2010 00:31:25 - by kaace
awesome...i lovr when don leaves his house...

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