Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2008 Podcasts > Segment 5
1/14/2008 - Segment 5 | views (5247) | comments (1) | add comment
Segment 5
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1 - Segment 1 Comments(7)
2 - Segment 2 Comments(0)
3 - Segment 3 Comments(1)
4 - Segment 4 Comments(1)
5 - Segment 5
6 - Segment 6 Comments(0)
7 - Segments 7&8 Comments(0)
Mon Jan 14, 2008: The Happy Hooker Does Letterman
Don finally gets over his cold/flu/HIV infections
Don is pleased, defensive over the Green Bay Packers
Lay King and the Golden Globes recap
Xaviera Caliendo wants to promote his Letterman appearance, DC show
Super Dave writes from Norlans
Scott Shannon fills in for Paul Harvey tapes
End of an era: Jenna Jameson retires

4/20/2018 08:02:37 - by Jim.rice14
Scott shannon at his shanniest

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