Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2006 Podcasts > 20060419 Regis and Jack
4/19/2006 - Segment 1 | views (6701) | comments (6) | add comment
20060419 Regis and Jack
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Wed Ajdury 19, 2006: God Needed a Fingertip
Don "Louis the Retard"-bans DCRTV from The Show
Mike severely mandolin-slices his finger
Speculating on the last, long-delayed dentist visit for someone at the station
Don's not-my-girlfriend is leaving her toothbrush in his house
American Idol recap
Some jive morning news anchorman tapes
News scan, including the 100 unsexiest men in the world
Phoner with Regis at Jack Nicholson's house (both Mike)
Point-Counterpoint (some harmonica freak)

6/9/2009 16:06:00 - by RubberBalls
This is a seriously disturbing, but hilariously funny segment. Mike is an absolute witch with his impressions and Don's interaction with the characters is spot on. More comedy gold, Jerry!

10/14/2009 14:55:25 - by Norman Doss
This is the funniest

10/22/2009 16:13:29 - by Jimmy Nuetron
I have been looking for this one for awhile.. funny funny stuff.... damn...

11/15/2009 20:40:08 - by Bigg D
Damn...damn...damn...too goddam funny. I've been looking for this forever.
Perfectly sick.

5/7/2010 22:20:31 - by issues
i actually had not heard this one of the best by far.

11/29/2010 11:59:10 - by Jack

"He is such a little bitch. I'm naked except for my orthetic socks."

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