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20060110 - BethAnns new show
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1 - 20060110 - BethAnns new show
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4 - 011006-4.mp3 Comments(0)
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8 - 011006-8.mp3 Comments(0)
Tues Jan 10, 2006: Look Out, It's SuperJock!
A lean, mean broadcasting machine 22 affiliates, plus or minus ones the listeners are calling in about
Don orders a tv Batman cape, cowl, utility belt and batarang
Don has various Batman, Star Trek TNG, Spiderman and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume
Mike hates King Kong
How About That (Tulsa's centennial)
Calling in to the BethAnn show
E2E (Elvis collector is liquidating his stuff)

7/22/2009 14:33:50 - by Jason
One of the best things ever!!!!!

1/13/2010 23:09:49 - by BAM
Dr. Gregg Penis

9/12/2013 23:20:19 - by Patrcik
Dr. Penis...clode blew,,,, Dr. Penis

9/17/2016 13:27:29 - by Fish
OK, alot to say here ill break it up.

First, another year in the books, finished 2005 and im firmly settled into 2006. The last part of 2005 and first few days of january I have some "best of" shows that ran. This is great because those shows had alot of highlights that we all missed here in the archives. Shows that were not recorded and lost so some of the jokes and subject matter fall flat.
Second, I have listened to 2006 before, back in the day when they were podcasting, so there is some familiarity to me. That said, all the things I thought back then are top of mind now. They have returned from vacation with a chip on their shoulder for some reason, Michael Huges is firmly the new Ken Stevens. The warm wine rants are possibly my least favorite of all time. They are roving, tirelessly long and so inside its near impossible to keep up with their joke.

9/17/2016 13:39:41 - by Fish
Next on my shit list.

The Beth Ann call. What a shame.

Heres the deal, Im a funny person, I get jokes, HA HA, see. But what they do to Beth Ann is just flat out classless and calculated. Here is where I take specific contention.

"we didn't know we were on the air...?"

Bull shit Don, absolute BULLSHIT. They have Rob make the call, then get through the phone screener, while listening to her show via the listener on the phone mind you. Don states when Beth Ann says hello "look, we're simulcasting". Gee Don, WTF is that supposed to mean? Simulcasting what exactly? Your show while you talk to BA in her office? Second point of order, they bring up her celibacy and the mirror. But they are speaking to her audience, not in a confidential narrative. After she expresses her disapproval with mirror comment Don addresses her audience directly with the back handed "ohh, what I meant folks is, BA loves antiquing and loves to find old mirrors." He was on the air, knew it from the get. Kept saying Dr. Penis which is funny however completely disrespectful to BA's new job.

I just found the exchange tasteless. Next up on tomorrows show, Don and Mike call BA on her cell and continue the "I didn't know I was on the air" lie.

"but BA, we really just called to see how you are doing". They are unyielding ball busters that never let up, not to mention the fact they have the strength of numbers. After the inside rants, this is my second least favorite part of the show. They sling insults to your breaking point they when you snap they fire back claiming its all fun and cut you down further for not taking the joke. Sheer attrition.

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