Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2008 Podcasts > Segment 3
4/9/2008 - Segment 3 | views (5107) | comments (2) | add comment
Segment 3
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Other podcasts from 4/9/2008:
1 - Segment 1 Comments(3)
2 - Segment 2 Comments(2)
3 - Segment 3
4 - Segment 4 Comments(1)
5 - Segment 5 Comments(1)
6 - Segment 6 Comments(1)
7 - Segment 7 Comments(1)
8 - Segment 8 Comments(1)
Wed Ajdury 9, 2008: Reruns: The Development of Mike's Bush
Special edition hosted by Buzz and Robb of old tapes
WAVA-era opening break (9/26/89)
Lay King on oopsies (4/15/05?)
A montage of Mike's voices (various)
Newsmaker of the Week (7/12/02)
Goofin on Stan the Fan (last rerun 2/2/02)
Fireworks on the roof (9/2/05)
Phoner with Jackie Stallone and Doc Gooden (Mike) (4/25/05)
Fez (of Ron & Fez) in-studio to meet Buzz (8/10/00)
Phoner Inviting Opie & Anthony to The Palm (sometime in Spring 2000)
Gordon Liddy in-studio to do give German lessons (1/12/01)
Frank Murphy plays Trivial Pursuiit at the O'Mearas' (1989)
WAVA-era Maurice (Mike)'s sportscast (1990)

6/17/2010 00:06:13 - by Chickenfoot14
News Maker of the Week!!!! Tim-May!!!!

7/15/2016 19:10:22 - by Don and Mike My Brothers
Sure, I could have Googled the date of the last show, the week leading to it. I left the DC area in 2001, caught them here and there, but for the most part was unaware of the events leading to the end of The Greatest Radio Show EVER ! !
Listening now, I realize how lucky I was to have experienced the Don and Mike Phenom live. The DC area had the closest relationship to the show, the most loyal and Die Hard Fans.
It was something that had to be lived through to REALLY understand what it was about.. Still keeping me on the edge of my seat 30 years later.. You guys were the GREATEST EVER. Doni~~ I have NEVER heard anyone talk up a record better than you, some of the best times were hearing your old air checks (?)... Radio is gone.. It will never come back.. you guys went out with it.....

Thank You mcfadone

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