Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2008 Podcasts > Segment 1
4/9/2008 - Segment 1 | views (6598) | comments (3) | add comment
Segment 1
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1 - Segment 1
2 - Segment 2 Comments(2)
3 - Segment 3 Comments(2)
4 - Segment 4 Comments(1)
5 - Segment 5 Comments(1)
6 - Segment 6 Comments(1)
7 - Segment 7 Comments(1)
8 - Segment 8 Comments(1)
Wed Ajdury 9, 2008: Reruns: The Development of Mike's Bush
Special edition hosted by Buzz and Robb of old tapes
WAVA-era opening break (9/26/89)
Lay King on oopsies (4/15/05?)
A montage of Mike's voices (various)
Newsmaker of the Week (7/12/02)
Goofin on Stan the Fan (last rerun 2/2/02)
Fireworks on the roof (9/2/05)
Phoner with Jackie Stallone and Doc Gooden (Mike) (4/25/05)
Fez (of Ron & Fez) in-studio to meet Buzz (8/10/00)
Phoner Inviting Opie & Anthony to The Palm (sometime in Spring 2000)
Gordon Liddy in-studio to do give German lessons (1/12/01)
Frank Murphy plays Trivial Pursuiit at the O'Mearas' (1989)
WAVA-era Maurice (Mike)'s sportscast (1990)

8/12/2009 10:28:56 - by Prof
Segment 1 is the ultimate "run" on Oopsies. Will make your sides hurt from larfing.

10/30/2009 02:34:59 - by BA
This segment is a classic Larry King (La'y King to the boys) and my absolute favorite. They start talking about "oopsies" and slowly begin to improvise until Mike hits it out of the park with two-line rhymes on the oopsey at about the 12:00 mark. A pure example of their amazing chemistry and improv skills. By the end of the bit, callers have caught on and really make this one hilarious.

Anyone know the original date of this broadcast? Glad Buzz and Rob put this one on the best of countdown.

4/13/2010 16:43:30 - by Sam
I just about had an oopsie listening to this in the library.

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