Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > Tom Gavin Visits Via The Telephone
6/4/2007 - Segment 2 | views (8622) | comments (6) | add comment
Tom Gavin Visits Via The Telephone
Please report broken links to: mcfadone
Other podcasts from 6/4/2007:
1 - Johnny Normands Magic Lightning Rod Oooh Comments(0)
2 - Tom Gavin Visits Via The Telephone
3 - And Then Super Dave Joins The Fun Comments(0)
Mon Jun 4, 2007: God Didn't Need a Producer
Mike is late for The Show
Sopranos recap
Earthdog brother Jim is a Sacramentan
Tom Gavin is not retarded, he's brain damaged
Super Dave takes the Gay quiz
John Norman goes outside into a lightning storm with a metal rod to tempt God
People who actually care about Paris Hilton
Paul McCartney humps his new CD on HSN

7/25/2009 09:05:58 - by mcfadone
Another great segment with Tom "The Monster"... Tom spells, sings, acts retarded, and gets mad at Super Dave.

2/22/2011 01:36:29 - by Roosevelt Potts
This is a great call!!

6/13/2013 12:07:32 - by Billy Batson
This is one of Tom's better phone calls. Tom rocks with this phone call.

1/25/2017 09:05:12 - by Tom McTardo
RIP you monster! Seriously...great guy, ALWAYS unique and

3/24/2017 18:25:03 - by N. Wilson
I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Tom Gavin. He had a a passion for radio like no other. I knew from FB that he had been in and out of the hospital in 2016.
I never really knew Tom except for the phone. I use to call his radio show when he was on Radio Fairfax (WEBR). You could tell he was very excited when I called. I think what excited him the most was the fact I called from Sacramento. I think the distance and the fact fans from all over listened to his show made him elated.
This is my funny Gavin story. I remember every November right before Thanksgiving, Don and Mike would go on a long vacation and they would not come back until after New Years. So during that time, The Don and Mike show would play best of material. WJFK has avery elaborate phone system. Don and Mike came back from vacation, and they were able to tell who called the station while they were on vacation. When they came back, they realized Gavin called over 500 times.

3/28/2017 01:00:39 - by Fish
Nobody will ever have more heart than the

Thanks Wilson!

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