Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > Unedited Tom Call
4/19/2007 - Segment 3 | views (14919) | comments (29) | add comment
Unedited Tom Call
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Other podcasts from 4/19/2007:
1 - Tech shooting NBC hypocrisy American Idol Comments(1)
2 - Theyre not here Comments(0)
3 - Unedited Tom Call
4 - theyre not here toms call Comments(0)
Thurs Ajdury 19, 2007: Mmmmm, Tit Milk *drool*
Gnawing the anal polyps inside American Idol
VT shooter videotape controversy
Tom Gavin vs. Charly Stuangstabalac
Phoner with ex-porn star Tiffany Millions, now bounty hunter and whatnot
Gladys Kravitz: Too Dry for Radio
Phone scan
Everything you never wanted to know about tinkle erotica
Phoner with two guys who are trying to make a golf/horror movie called "Slice"

5/8/2009 17:02:37 - by RubberBalls
I thought this was lost forever. Thank you so much for making this available. So, so good; this is a must listen!

5/29/2009 04:42:57 - by NitroPugs
SUCK MY BIG RETARTED DICK!!!!! Holy Jesus........I also thought this was lost forever. I used to have a copy when I worked in the radio tard biz, lost it with my job.......but good stuff. God Bless. God Bless. There was once a caller that said the first time he heard 'don and mike' swear (at an appearance) it was like the first time he heard his Dad swear....haha.....funny shit....AWESOME!!!!

5/29/2009 04:46:22 - by NitroPugs
errrrrrrrrrrr.....make that "Retarded".....

5/31/2009 19:41:54 - by spiderzero
your ass has shit on it!!! priceless!

6/3/2009 17:33:57 - by Rick_Rickerson
This is the funniest thing i have ever heard! wow. I always have wanted to hear it for real, when i heard the edited version on the show. I HOPE YOU DIE WITH THAT COUGH!!

6/6/2009 02:47:30 - by wick
Seems that Tom may be a bit racist. YOU KNOW!!!!!

6/6/2009 04:07:06 - by mike
yoooooou know!

6/6/2009 04:10:27 - by mcfadone
what it - kunckle head!!!!!!

6/6/2009 04:19:29 - by johnyy cakes

6/7/2009 15:56:12 - by wick
Do you like the Gavin? Is he vigorous? I'm curious, WHOA!

6/7/2009 21:00:44 - by mcfadone
Super Dave was OK, but Tom is a Don and Mike staple

6/7/2009 21:01:40 - by mcfadone
Tom? Spell "Cat"

6/21/2009 07:50:04 - by The Grooveroom
Tom just keeps on giving!!! Whether he knows it or not!......toodaloo ass....

6/27/2009 18:53:00 - by Mr.Misery
Holy shit...I've been scouring the internet for months looking for old D&M audio,
and only finding the stuff they podcasted towards the end. Thank you so much
for's GOLD!

7/2/2009 00:04:02 - by Best
This segment is like a fountain of youth. eternal and awe inspiring.

7/15/2009 18:46:40 - by jonny
what are you doing ? FUCKIN YOUR MOTHER !! that was the best

7/29/2009 17:37:00 - by The pikey
I agree with Jonny, Fuckin your mother! will now make laugh so hard for the rest of life, and nobody will get why I'm truely laughing. - Todd

8/31/2009 17:33:28 - by dredscott
This is a great call. This version is a must hear.

10/4/2009 17:43:14 - by Assplay
Tom likes his sandwiches with lots of musTARD

12/3/2009 00:01:08 - by Chickenfoot14
He's a total BasTARD!!!!!

3/17/2010 19:37:36 - by justin
god i miss them. this is some funny shit.

4/23/2010 09:45:23 - by regularschmoe
HAW! If only they did some D&M RAW Podcasts or Cd's back in the day, we could have had so much more or this. Just awesome. Evil voice Tom is scary;)

10/27/2010 17:19:54 - by Ali
Oh my goodness. This just made my day.

5/19/2020 05:01:55 - by Major Bill
Hearing Charly swear is just kinda wrong.

5/28/2020 15:22:09 - by Patrick
A must listen..... They really brought
joy into Tom's life.

11/23/2020 22:59:15 - by chucklehead
Where the eff is Wharr these days and El Rayo X, Crab,
Major Bill the whole beach towel gang those were good days
am I right?

7/6/2022 12:37:06 - by Matt Wiseman
Who is Lorraine? They mentioned her to Tom
during the unedited Tom Gavin call. Tom
drops the "N" bomb with Don and Mike.

11/2/2024 00:26:39 - by Zilla_man

1/26/2025 21:48:03 - by Todd Brommelkamp
Tom was the best. He brought a lot of
charisma and personality to the show. I love
watching his videos on You Tube.

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