Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > Captain America is dead Don mourns
3/7/2007 - Segment 1 | views (4970) | comments (1) | add comment
Captain America is dead Don mourns
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Other podcasts from 3/7/2007:
1 - Captain America is dead Don mourns
2 - Craig Wilson talks about kilts Comments(2)
3 - Doodlebops and Robbs Demotion Comments(3)
4 - Phoner with Ed Brubaker writer who killed Cap Amer Comments(1)
5 - Sonny Grosso phoner Comments(0)
Wed Mar 7, 2007: Half-Wit Wednesday
American Idol recap
Weatherfaggots predict doom again
Don's ebay battle for an old Batman comic
Phoner with Patton Oswalt about the death of Captain America
Phoner with some guy who's selling "holy water"
Phoner with Sonny Grosso, Roy "Schneider"'s character from The French Connection
Phoner with the guy who wrote Captain America comics*
Craig Wilson (kilts)
* - geez, who's next? Runaway Train and Kid Caboose? American Maid? Sergeant Rock?

2/14/2009 12:42:25 - by BA
Captain America comic books - Don sent a letter when he was a kid and one
was printed in an issue. He calls Patton Oswalt (I dont' think he's that funny, but
the boys do) and they do a schtick on nice nerdy comic book boys.

Then calls from nice, nerdy comic book boys.

segment 1 runtime: 24 minutes

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