Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2007 Podcasts > John Cougars tail
1/17/2007 - Segment 1 | views (7790) | comments (11) | add comment
John Cougars tail
Download this file: John Cougars tail
Please report broken links to: mcfadone
Other podcasts from 1/17/2007:
1 - John Cougars tail
Wed Jan 17, 2007: Counting Crows Droppings
Pimping a crow crap contest
Caller wants to plug her charity and talk to Buzz
Paula Abdul interview tape
Does that whore sellout John Mellancamp have a tail?
Phoner with Canadian Pillow Fighters
Crow crap contest - listeners offer themselves as human targets
Craig Wilson (personal trainers)

5/18/2009 15:19:37 - by RubberBalls
Mike "misremembers" that Johnny Cougar Meloncamp has a freakin' tail. Awesome!

6/16/2009 17:38:37 - by DonsAnalbeads
Since this is all new, I know this is just my little brain acting up, but some kind of mass downloader would be an awesome addition. using firefox, its quite a redundant and slow process downloading one at a time and repeatedly switching back n forth from page to page.


having these podcasts is great in itself and I consider myself in your handies tho, dont even ask.

6/16/2009 18:06:32 - by mcfadone
If I made them all downloadable then you'd never come back - haha. Plus, I run the server from my house and my band width would be gone.

That being said, if you use Itunes try this:


P.S. click some ads - help keep this site alive :)

6/17/2009 14:30:10 - by RubberBalls
I'd be willing to pay a reasonable fee for the ability to download files...just a thought...

What's your feeeeeee???


6/17/2009 15:33:09 - by mcfadone
Send checks to:

The Don and Mike Show
10800 Main St
Fairfax, VA 22030


Did you try the links above?

If you cannot get those to work send me an email (mike at and I'll send them to you on DVD or maybe put them in a special dir for you to download.


6/18/2009 14:51:57 - by RubberBalls
Thanks, Mike; much appreciated-you are a king amongst (old) queens!

Although, come to think of it, the Fairfax address is different than the North Pole address that I've be using for the past 10 years.

Do you mean to tell me the boys haven't been getting my checks?!?!

Somewhere at the North Pole sits a sack of un-cashed checks, hate mail, and fruit cakes...

6/18/2009 15:34:05 - by mcfadone
North Pole - man that brings back memories! Let me know if you have trouble with the links above.


1/24/2010 20:21:47 - by GOAT
Thanks for this. I love your site. But does anyone have any links to anything prior to 2005?

sorry to bump this.

4/5/2010 08:16:12 - by sit on it
The hard thing about prior to 2005 is that it would involve someone with a radio, tape recorder, and the will and hardware to convert all that analog tape into digital computer files.

6/10/2010 23:19:21 - by far far away
Are you still offering a download of some or all of the podcasts?? I
have a long commute and it just isn't the same anymore. Any help
will do my friend!!

6/12/2010 07:04:51 - by mcfadone
email me link at the bottom of the page....

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