Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2004 Podcasts > 052604.mp3
5/26/2004 - Segment 1 | views (5999) | comments (3) | add comment
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1 - 052604.mp3
Wed May 26, 2004: Don't Lie Out Loud
Buzz's wife Marcia breaks her wrist falling off a ladder. Still
searching for the bloody glove.
Doni bets Mike $100 that Diana wins American Idol
More on the Ron & Fez Replacement DJ controversy
Jacob, Buzz's absinthe hookup, in-studio with more hooch

1/26/2011 14:37:44 - by jables
Marsha injures herself with Buzz on trial, Idol winner discussion, Joe and the Cecada's, absinthe sampling, ,and an ad hoopla involving the PD.

7/28/2016 13:35:58 - by D&M Fan
Poor Buzz...his reputation as the Ladies' Champion takes
a severe hit in this episode as the Radio Gods conduct an
in-depth investigation of Marcia's unfortunate household
accident. The fact that the Elstons are still happily
married more than a decade later exonerate our favorite
sexy newsman, but I will admit that he was pretty
cavalier about finding his wife lying on the floor at the
foot of a ladder. But D&M aren't done there -- they later
turn their eagle eyes on Cameron Gray as they attempt to
get to the bottom of the deejay job ad came to light
during the prior show. Why, oh why do GMs and PDs
continue to try to pull one over on our Radio Gods? Won't
they ever learn?

4/15/2020 15:59:25 - by Jables
At 35 minutes in, Robb asks a question about this newfound
technology known as "text-messaging" and inquires if they
can come up as "busy". LOL. Oh time...

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