Don and Mike, Buzz, Robb and Joe - listen to all your favorite Don and Mike Show Podcasts! > 2000 Podcasts > 072400_BO.mp3
7/24/2000 - Segment 1 | views (5949) | comments (1) | add comment
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7/24/2012 15:14:08 - by D&M Fan
Bits in this "Best of" show:
1 - The Greaseman's lame infomercial as his alter ego, "Chip
2 - Mike shows up a month early for his colonoscope
3 - The Radio Gods try to "Chat with Jesus" via a new
website, but the technology defeats Kindly Old Buzz
4 - Mike Rockhead has stayed home to J.O. all day instead of
coming to work in the showstorm
5 - D&M mete out their own version of "Frontier Justice"
with an old-fashioned duct tapin' of Mike Rockehead outside
the station
6 - Mike Rockhead and the gang have decided to part ways,
triggering a tsunami of callers who want the job, including
OF COURSE Major Effing Star Dennis Murphy
7 - A paint your own pottery place in Santa Monica, CA where
-- allegedly -- Arnold Schwartzenegger hangs out and paints
plates and mugs for relaxation. ("Has he ever drawn a
swastika?" has to be the best part of the interview!)
8 - A Jerry Seinfeld expose written by a former girlfriend
9 - Fun list of rock star's quotes about sex and other
topics from "Rolling Stone" magazine

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