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8/24/2005 - Segment 1 | views (6520) | comments (5) | add comment
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1 - 08-24-05
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Wed Aug 24, 2005: Explain Yourself
Gadfly vs. BA continues
BA enjoys watching people on the security cameras
Phoner with Robert Mailman's dentist
HOF Sonny Jurgenson (Gadfly)'s birthday
Phoner with some hump who's selling has-been Steven Segal's energy drink
News and phone scan
Phone whore challenge
Yet another asshat caller

2/11/2009 10:52:20 - by BA
Good ep. Starts out slow, but then Mike does an impersonation of Sonny
Jurgenson for the last 3/4 of the episode. As usual, he goes for it 110 percent -
another good character. Not as funny as ole Jack Kent Cooke, but lots of

2/11/2009 13:38:24 - by mcfadone
Is this the real BA... haha!

5/22/2009 09:41:30 - by regular
a great segment! the end just leaves you wanting more morgan freeman....there's never enough time for mikes morgan impression;)

12/23/2009 02:32:32 - by Chickenfoot14
There's never enough time for Mike to talk like Morgan and discuss fine wine!!!! or THEY CAN BARELY READ!!!!

1/12/2012 11:21:53 - by guest
Jesus, you can just hear how depressed Don is. I hate to say
it, but it really effected the show. He laugh and voice are
both strained. Of course, I'm not blaming him at all, I can't
imagine going through what he did, but it's really evident.

Really wish he had taken a couple of years off, gotten his
head right, and then the gang could have started up again.
Surely, CBS/WJFK would have kept a spot warm for him.

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