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3/7/2007 - Segment 3 | views (4890) | comments (3) | add comment
Doodlebops and Robbs Demotion
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Other podcasts from 3/7/2007:
1 - Captain America is dead Don mourns Comments(1)
2 - Craig Wilson talks about kilts Comments(2)
3 - Doodlebops and Robbs Demotion
4 - Phoner with Ed Brubaker writer who killed Cap Amer Comments(1)
5 - Sonny Grosso phoner Comments(0)
Wed Mar 7, 2007: Half-Wit Wednesday
American Idol recap
Weatherfaggots predict doom again
Don's ebay battle for an old Batman comic
Phoner with Patton Oswalt about the death of Captain America
Phoner with some guy who's selling "holy water"
Phoner with Sonny Grosso, Roy "Schneider"'s character from The French Connection
Phoner with the guy who wrote Captain America comics*
Craig Wilson (kilts)
* - geez, who's next? Runaway Train and Kid Caboose? American Maid? Sergeant Rock?

2/14/2009 12:17:08 - by BA
This long seg is all Don&Mike hostchat. With a tiny bit of irritating Robb
thrown in. First, Don talks about Janet and women - he's still in the
honeymoon phase...kind of. Janet picks a Hugh Grant movie and Don agrees
- reluctantly. You'd think he was being tortured.

On the way, a herd of deer attacks his car. Really.

Then Don is playing Madden on xBox Live with listeners. And calling his
daughter and talking about kiddie shows on TV. (He thinks most hosts are
kidtouchers. Sighhhh.)

And Jonnie Norman is the new producer while Robby is back to being
just...Robb. But we know that John Norman's time will be short. It will take
about a year for the boys to wear him down and force him out.

Seg 3 runtime: 52 minutes

5/18/2009 13:45:48 - by mcfadone
This clip also has an opener from The Belcher on the Huge Hamilton show

2/12/2015 12:25:31 - by Scott Arney
Great calls from the Belcher in the beginning.

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